Overcoming Sexual Abuse

Overcoming Sexual Abuse

This booklet was written for those who need an encouraging word to pursue God despite their past experiences with sexual abuse.

If you are such a person, God loves you very much and desires to have a special “heart-to-heart” relationship with you. This booklet will assist you along your journey of healing and restoration. The primary goal is to point people to the best Healer in heaven and earth—the Lord Jesus Christ. God desires for all of us to accept Jesus into our lives so that His process of restoration can take place.

Charlene Bruce, RN, MSN, CIC

Sexual Abuse:

Sexual abuse is a devastating experience that can leave a lasting impact on the life of an individual. In this booklet, you will learn how to overcome the effects of sexual abuse and move forward with your life.

If you have been affected by sexual abuse in some way, it is important that you know there are people who care about your well-being and want to help you heal from these wounds. It may be difficult for someone who has not experienced such trauma to understand what victims go through; however, if they love God and their fellow human beings they should still seek ways to support them during this time.

This book was written specifically for those who need encouragement as they face their past experiences with sexual abuse so that healing can begin in their lives.

The Good News:

The solution offered here is Jesus Christ Himself. He loves us unconditionally even though we do not deserve His mercy or grace (Romans 5:8). 

If you are such a person, God loves you very much and desires to have an special “heart-to-heart” relationship with you. This book will assist you along your journey of healing and restoration. The primary goal is to point people to the best Healer in heaven and earth—the Lord Jesus Christ. God desires for all of us to accept Jesus into our lives so that His process of restoration can take place.

About the Author

My name is Charlene Bruce and I am learning to embrace love and life. I am the owner of the Perfect Love Company LLC incorporated in 2018 with clients in Canada, United States and the United Kingdom. Love overcomes anger, bitterness, hatred, resentment and fear. Perfect Love Company is a reflection of that LOVE, hence the heart symbol. My hope is that all customers will experience and embrace true love, and that perfect love will cast out all fear from becoming the all you are called to be on earth as it is in heaven.

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