You might feel that holding down a job, getting ahead and taking care of your family is enough, without worrying about your life’s purpose. But taking the time to work out your calling in life is not a luxury or escapism, it is important for helping you live a more meaningful and successful life.

Think about it. What do you want? Chances are you don’t want to be doing the same thing, facing the same issues, in twenty years’ time, right? Humans are hard-wired to find purpose in what they’re doing. They look for fulfillment in their lives. And finding your life purpose can help you define and achieve your life goals. Here are some good reasons to do the work and find your calling.

  • You will unlock your potential

I suspect you want to be your best possible you. How will you know who that person is and what they’re capable of unless you know your life purpose?

Discovering and aligning with your calling means you identify and build on your talents. What is your passion? What do you love doing? Chances are you’re already good at it. Why not focus on your natural gifts and turn them into your greatest strengths?

  • You will create opportunities

By working out your life purpose, you open yourself to more opportunities than you could have imagined. When you begin living intentionally, you'll find that your whole mindset changes. You see the right direction to take, and you allow synchronicity to work its magic.

If you feel doubtful about this, think back to times in your life where things just seemed to ‘fall into place’ or you were in the right place at the right time. Practice saying yes to the things that feel good and see where that energy takes you.

  • You will have an impact on the world

You’ve probably heard the phrase ‘be the change you want to see in the world.’ That starts with deciding to find and align with your life’s purpose. Choose to do what matters to you, what makes you feel good, and you will change things for the better.

In living a life aligned with your values and purpose, you can’t help but have a positive impact on the world whether it’s in your family, neighborhood or your city. And in living your purpose you will be an inspiration to others, you will have started a chain of positive impacts!

About the Author

Eric is the Founder of Above the Sun Consultant Group Inc. His experience online includes managing and overseeing virtual global offices and entrepreneurs in countries around the world.

Eric is a growth-focused visionary, with many years behind the wheel of leadership in Senior-Level Management, Operations, Team Building, Client Relations, and Information Technology.

Eric is now offering his expertise via Master Classes, Private Mentoring Sessions and Online Courses for anyone wishing to create their own successful online presence.

If you want a real, value-based, sustainable business - if you want to escape the frustrations of chasing from one online marketing fad to the next, then visit -

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